What a Weekend!
Wow wow wow! I just experienced such a whirlwind of support during the first true weekend of my reintroduction to the Cleveland Music Scene. In September I stripped back down to basics, looked deeply into the foundation of my music career - myself - and recorded a Live & Acoustic album. "Fine" the first track, hit the internet Friday. I was honored to have an exclusive preview featured in the "Hollywood Digest" where I was humbled to be compared to the likes of Janis Joplin. On the day of the release, Cleveland.com helped me introduce the track to my favorite city and shared a bit more about the mission and sentiment behind this project. Read their take here. Then first thing Saturday morning, I had two News segments (WKYC and WEWS) to share my excitement to play the main stage at Brite Winter. The whole day was incredible and the staff at Brite was phenomenal. I am still composing myself and working through all the thank you's and congrats. Right now I am nothing but grateful. A full recap from Brite Winter is coming your way soon. In the meantime, check out "Fine" below.
So much more to come!